Contact Us

First and Last Name:
Home Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
E-mail Address
Type of EventWedding CeremonyWedding ReceptionCorporate EventBar Bat MitzvahParty for Children. Please explain in message belowOther - Please explain in message below
Type of EntertainmentCeremony MusicBandDisc JockeyEntertainment for children. Please explain in message belowJazz BandI am Interested in more than one type of entertainment and will mention them in the message below
Date of The Event
Time of Event
Location of Event
Audience Size
Your Budget
Have you, a family member, or friend used Tower of Talent in the past?NoYes I have used Tower of TalentYes A friend used Tower of TalentYes A family member used Tower of Talent
If so, please tell us the artist name and approximate date of the event.
Have you seen a Tower of Talent artist perform recently?
If so, please tell us when and where?
Have you or someone from your party already contacted Tower of Talent?
How can we help?

This is where we give our customers a chance to tell us what they think about our web site. Is there anything you would like to see us offer? Do you have any questions or comments? Our business depends on your satisfaction, so please let us know what you think.

Just click this address to send us e-mail:

Or give us a call at (301) 699-3900.